Take our survey and help make tech more trustworthy

At Doteveryone, we’d like to see technology become more responsible — in how it’s developed, how it works for users, and how it affects society.
The role of business is changing considerably, and with it, so are people’s expectations of companies. The technologies that companies create and control have more influence over the lives of their users than ever before and consequently people care more than ever what the purpose and ethics of a company are and how they execute on these.
The Harvard Business Review recently conducted research supporting the idea that companies able to “harness the power [of purpose] beyond profit to drive performance and profitability enjoy a distinct competitive advantage”. In this competitive talent market and with the increasing presence of technology companies globally, it’s important that tech startups and businesses are able to demonstrate they care about the world around them and treat those who contribute to their companies fairly.
Doteveryone believes technology organisations can be leaders in publicly demonstrating how they are competent, honest, reliable, and aligned with public values.
That’s why we’re conducting extensive research with the technology industry in the hopes of finding valuable ways to help tech companies be ready to be accountable for their products and actions.
With this in mind, we’re investigating the thoughts and attitudes of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups who create digital products and services, regarding standards and expectations related to responsible technology. We’re also exploring a potential system where organisations can demonstrate they operate responsibly and can produce evidence they’ve taken consumers and wider society into account when designing their businesses, products, or services.
Take part in the survey here.
We’re accepting submissions until 16 February, and by participating you could win one of three vouchers for £75.
Help us create a leading space in the industry that delivers reliable technology which respects public values. With your input we can lead the world in responsible technology.