Doteveryone is hiring a new CEO
At the end of 2019, I’ll be stepping down to make space for a new person to lead Doteveryone.

I’m delighted to say the best job in responsible technology is up for grabs: Doteveryone is looking for a new CEO.
After four years, at the end of 2019, I’ll be stepping down to make space for a new person to lead the organisation.
I am so extremely proud of what we’ve achieved in that short time; taking the spark that was Martha Lane Fox’s 2015 Dimbley Lecture and turning it into a change-making organisation filled with smart, kind, and thoughtful people. I’m incredibly grateful to Martha and to Russell Davies (our first CEO) for giving me the chance to shape that and work on new ways of solving some of the most urgent problems in modern life, and to all of the funders who have supported that work.
I won’t be nostalgic now, though; there’ll be time for that in December. (When there will also be a party, but that’s another story.) I will, however, encourage you to help us find a brilliant new CEO.
Our vision for a world where responsible technology is the new normal is now established and respected: our research and new ways of working are acclaimed as useful, timely and necessary. The next opportunity is to mature Doteveryone to make more global change — that means championing and nurturing responsible technology with businesses, with governments, and with civil society, as well as fundraising, leading the team and working closely with our growing board of trustees.

You can find out more about the role and the current strategy in the job pack, and meet the team and explore Doteveryone’s work on our website.
It’s a demanding job that calls for foresight and thinking on your feet, as well as frequent travel, public speaking, and meeting all kinds of fascinating people. Doteveryone also has a culture of flexible working and a continuing commitment to develop as an inclusive employer. I can’t recommend it enough.
And what’s next for me?
Setting up Doteveryone has been a fantastic whirlwind, but it’s not left much time for anything else. My first plan is to have some interesting conversations about new opportunities for spring/summer 2020: whether that’s hands-on work with a new regulator, new advisory roles, or perhaps something more political.
I’m also working on a book about how the combination of automation and climate responsibility will make or break gender equality: if care for people and the planet is the only good work left, who should do it, and what is it worth?
But in the meantime, I’ll be at Doteveryone until the end of the year, and I’m looking forward to a terrific next six months.
(And lastly, before we’re deluged with emails and phone calls: no recruitment agencies please 🙂)
Find out more about the CEO role, download the job pack and apply via Workable by 9 am on Monday 2nd September.
First interviews will take place week commencing 16th September and we are looking to confirm an appointment by the end of September 2019.
Doteveryone is hiring a new CEO was originally published in Doteveryone on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.